Team Details

Dr. T.Surendra Natha Reddy

Founder and Chairman

Dr.T.Surendra Natha Reddy

(M.Com, M.A. (Eco),M.A.(Edu.,) MBA, B.Ed., Ph.D)

Dr. T. Surendranatha Reddy, a well-known educationist, an active social worker, an ever encourager and follower of sports and a never tiring philanthropist. Dr. Reddy who has a row of degrees against his name has mastered every course that came across, a man who always believes in hard work and whose name itself is a synonym for success. Dr. Reddy established SEICOM Degree College with a unique and a dedicated insight of making education even affordable to all the students irrespective of what background they come from, that’s why one could a mixture of a student community at the Institution. Two things are commonly noticed at SEICOM Degree College; one is the mixture of the student community and the second common thing one could easily notice is one man running class after class barefooted throughout the SEICOM Degree College premises.He is the man behind SEICOM Degree College and is proudly called by every SEICOMITE as ‘SEICOM SIR’. The man who has given everything for SEICOM Degree College. When asked Dr. Reddy instantly says he is less of a chairman and more of a teacher/lecturer.